Thursday, March 6, 2014


We live in a society where the only time we feel obligated to do something if there are reasons and it can somehow benefits us in some way. Well I’m here to get rid of any excuses to skip an exercise… yeah sorry, not sorry! J I admit it’s hard to start working out and before it becomes a habit we tend to find ourselves making every excuse in the book. I used to be the queen of workout excuses before I became addicted to it. I know that I’m not the only one who is guilty of these excuses… Ever said any one of these humdingers?...

“I don’t have time”

“It’s so boring”

“I’m too fat” orrrr…

“I’m thin already”

Here’s why all these excuses blow… first off, time is what we make of it. We are consistently filling our days with what we consider “priorities” and I can’t think of a more important aspect in life then our health. Besides, a one hour workout is only 4% of your whole day. How much time do you spend watching TV or surfing the internet each day? Secondly, workouts don’t have to be boring. I know I’ve been guilty of letting my gym time slip into monotonous workout routines… try spicing things up by getting a workout partner or joining fitness class that interests you. Working out doesn’t have to mean walking on a treadmill for hours! “I’m too fat” or “’I’m thin already” are both equally damaging excuses. We need to remember that everybody’s body is different and everyone starts at one point. In fact whenever I see people walk into the gym, whether they are in perfect shape or have no muscle definition at all, it is inspiring because I see people who are willing to push their body to its limits in order to live a happier and healthier life. We are blessed with these incredible complex bodies and one of the saddest thing in life is to never be able to see the capacity that it’s capable of. No matter what size we are, when we step into the gym we are all as equals because we are all there for the same purpose: to make a better life for ourselves.

Here are 50 reasons we should workout (there is probably more, but I think 50 is a good start.)J

1.       Lifts your mood

2.       Improves brain capacity

3.       Increases learning ability

4.       Builds self-esteem (Lord knows we could all use a little of this in our lives)

5.       Keeps body fit

6.       Boosts mental health

7.       Boosts immune system

8.       Reduces stress (something I need… A LOT)

9.       Releases endorphins/ makes you happier

10.   Improves skin tone

11.   Improves sleep

12.   Helps prevent strokes

13.   Improves joint function

14.   Improves muscle tone

15.   Alleviates anxiety

16.   Sharpens memory

17.   Helps control addictions

18.   Boosts productivity

19.   Boosts creative thinking

20.   Improves body image

21.   Gives you confidence

22.   Helps keep you focused

23.   Improves eating habits

24.   Increased longevity (who doesn’t want to live longer?)

25.   Strengthens bones

26.   Strengthens heart

27.   Improves posture

28.   Prevents colds

29.   Improves appetite

30.   Improves cholesterol levels

31.   Lowers risks of certain cancers

32.   Lowers high blood pressure

33.   Lowers risk of diabetes

34.   Fights dementia

35.   Eases back pain

36.   Decreases osteoporosis risk

37.   Reduces feelings of depression

38.   Prevents muscle loss

39.   Has anti-aging effects

40.   Increases energy levels

41.   Increases sports performance

42.   Increases pain resistance

43.   Improves oxygen supply to cells

44.   Improves concentration

45.   Improves balance and coordination (good for clumsy people like me)

46.   Helps with self-control

47.   Lessens fatigue

48.   Increases sex drive & satisfaction (oola-la)

49.   Makes life more exciting

50.   Improves quality of life!!
Now what’s your excuse?? Stick with it… believe me it’ll be worth it and it’ll become something you won’t be able to live without!


  1. Is old and haggerly a viable excuse?? Not that I would qualify using it...

  2. Great article to get us motivated to MOVE it!!
